I categorize most of the post on this blog as "rambling". Those posts are for the most part not the best use of your time. If you're lucky, they'll contain a sliver of an interesting idea, but it won't be original nor fleshed out, and the text could use some additional editing.Habits break
When I started blogging, I hoped, but didn't expect, to manage to continue the habit for more than a month. Well, that succeeded. Even after a few single-day breaks, I picked up speed, writing and publishing something the next day.Aiming for shorter sentence length
Are short sentences good? They're easier to read. They let the reader pause. A lot. And sometimes they even connect with each other. When writing, however, it is much easier to let the sentence go on for as long as your thought continues, since it's easier to connect your thoughts to each other within a single sentence, only stopping when you don't have anything more to say.Writing speed, structure and editing
Since starting this blog, I've become a quicker writer. Instead of waiting for the perfect sentence and structure, I just write something that more or less works. In that way, it has fulfilled one of the goals that I set for it.Static website search
A couple of months back, I added site search to this blog, created as a static website. Such a website consists of just HTML, CSS, Javascript and media, with no backend code or database for fetching data that the browser requests.100 posts later
About three months ago, I was talking to my grandfather and his wife, both authors of a great many books. They encouraged me to spend a few minutes writing every day, for instance, every morning. This is why I created this blog, where I publish something every day.Site search
I've just added a search bar to this blog. It allows for quickly searching for any topic that I've written about. It's not a full-text search engine, so don't expect matches on whole phrases. The search index contains the complete site map, listing the title, tags, and topics of each page.Kommentit ja korjaukset
Pidän konstruktiivisesta kritiikistä ja kiinnostavista kannoista! Oletko löytänyt virheellisiä väitteitä, kaksiselitteisiä kappaleita tai liian puolueellisia postauksia? Tai jonkin kieliopillisen kompastuksen tai onnettoman oikeinkirjoituksen?
Comments and Corrections
I like constructive criticism and poignant points of view! Have you found false facts, avoidable ambiguities or all too partisan publications? Or perhaps I've made a grammatical gaffe or strayed from standard spelling?
Kommentarer och korrigering
Jag tycker om konstruktiv kritik och intressanta infallsvinklar! Har du hittat faktafel, onödiga otydligheter eller alltför partiska publiceringar? Eller någon grammatisk groda eller något som inte står i standardstavning?
A Fresh Restart
I'd like to start by lowering any expectations you might have for this blog. All of my previous attempts at free-form writing have been miserable disappointments, either for myself or my friends. I've written a fast-paced novel where the plot ran in circles and the characters were as shallow as my imagination.